Thursday, August 12, 2010

cap + gown + tassel = graduation photos

Although my class and I graduated about two months ago, I had a friend whose parents were still wanting cap and gown pictures...and I said, "Of course. Why not?" I'm not always a fan of the stiff portrait studio poses that are used for cap and gown pictures so I had to get creative with the outdoor setting. To my surprise the pictures came out looking wonderful, and the last shot was stunning (it's the first one of this set...ended up being my favorite). Who knew a cap and gown could be pretty?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

without friends there is no fun

There is no doubt that when my sister and her best friend ask me to take them out on a photo shoot, it's going to be fun. Both of these girlies are B E A U T I F U L and we had a ton of laughs along the way taking pictures. A few are goofy, but hey that's what happens when you're hanging out with your best friend : )